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Driving Results through the Science of Data and the Art of Storytelling

Driving results through
the Science of Data
and the Art of Storytelling

Sales & Marketing challenges are ever-changing and we approach them with an objective eye and an outside-the-box thought process. We ground our analysis in data and build stories and messages that pack an emotionally relevant punch to drive real business results.

Your Partner

[not vendor]

Our proprietary dashboard allows you to see all your campaigns at a glance, giving you actionable insights for real time quick pivots. This allows us to track your prospect’s behavior to maximize responses and track leads to your KPIs.

We partner with you to develop a digital marketing plan that identifies your ideal customer, creates the right story, optimizes the marketing mix and tracks leads.

Curious About Our Approach?

Let’s jump in. We dive deep into your current digital plan to understand your best practices. The next step is to use extensive data (there’s that word again!) to identify your ideal customer segments, craft the right messaging and select the best digital platforms.

Data Nerds

And proud of it. We have curated an exhaustive targeted list of (wait for it) data sources that provide behavioral and geographical specificity. This allows you to clear out the noise, get laser focused, while identifying the right message and platform to reach your ideal customer.

Page Turning Story

All the data in the world won’t fix a bad story. A masterful narrative emotionally resonates and intellectually connects with customers, giving them a reason to believe, keeping them in the sales funnel, all while leaving them wanting more.

Lead Gen

Not a nasty word in our books. By capturing your prospect’s behavior on each platform, we track lead generation, revealing if a message is effective. With real-time information, we’ll revise on the fly, until it does its job of driving business.

Measurable Results

Big picture is fun but the devil’s in the details. Our Dashboard and weekly check-ins give you insights to manage your cost, track leads and measure your ROI. Our analysis allows you to confirm or refute theories on your customers, compare and contrast messaging and check and balance the right platform mix.

Wanna discover your DNA?

Let’s not get overwhelmed. Maybe you don’t need help with everything. Small changes can lead to a big impact. Sometimes it starts with just one thing…

Story DNA

Crafting your Unique Story
Storytelling is more than just connecting the dots; it’s not just what gets you from A to B, but why you’d want to go.
Are you ready to co-create the story only you can tell, that pulls customers through the sales funnel?

Customer DNA

Identifying your Perfect Customer
Targeting the right audiences upfront saves you time and money. Our databases can help you pinpoint key demographics and psychographics for your ideal customer list.
Are you ready to find your best customers to increase sales leads?

Connections DNA

Engaging on the Right Platforms
Discovering the digital channels your customers prefer is key. Not every digital outlet is perfect for you or appeals to your audiences.
Are you ready to foster dialogue with your customer?

Insights DNA

Analyzing your Results
Measuring your digital plan is critical to know if your goals were met – or better yet, exceeded! Our dashboard will not only outline your plan’s performance but give you actionable insights that can be implemented quickly.
Are you ready to use our dashboard to maximize your marketing and meet your KPIs?

"Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own"

375 Redondo Ave., Suite 166
Long Beach, CA, 90814


Let's Get Started!

We’re looking forward to sharing your brand’s DNA